Angle-resolved Photoemission and ultrafast Dynamics
Zhou Lab, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University







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Principle Investigator

Shuyun Zhou(周树云)
Professor of Physics
New Science Building C-411
Tsinghua University
Haidian District, Beijing, China 100084
Email: CV


Xu He(何许)

Research associate

Hongyun Zhang(张红云)
Shuimu Scholar at Tsinghua University
Tsinghua/Tohoku-AlMR Joint Research Center Scientist

Graduate students

Runfa Feng(冯润发)
I joined Zhou Group after graduating from Shandong University in 2019. Now I am working on low-dimensional materials, including epitaxial growth and exploring their properties by ARPES.

Wanying Chen(陈婉莹)
I joined Zhou Group in 2019 when I was a senior student in the department of physics of Beijing Normal University. Now I am focusing on the mechanical exfoliation of 2D materials and ARPES measurement.

Haoyuan Zhong(钟浩源)
I joined Zhou Group in 2020 after receiving my B.S degree of Physics in Beijing Normal University. I currently focus on growth of two-dimensional materials and studying their equilibrium and non-equilibrium electronic structures using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and time-resolved (tr-)ARPES.

Fei Wang(王飞)
I joined Zhou group in 2021 after my graduating from Sun Yat-sen University. I am focusing on growth crystal of two-dimensional and topological materials,exploring their electronic structures by ARPES.

Tianyun Lin(林天韵)
I joined Zhou Group after receiving my B.S. degree in Physics from Zhejiang University in 2021. I am interested in using time-resolved ARPES and optical pump-probe spectroscopy to explore light-matter interaction and ultrafast dynamics of topological materials and heterostructures.

Xuanxi Cai(蔡轩羲)
I joined Zhou Group in 2022 after receiving my B.S. degree of Physics from Nanjing University. I am currently interested in the instrumentation of High Harmonic Generation (HHG) as a photon source for angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and exploring the ultrafast light-matter interaction (especially Floquet engineering) of 2D and topological materials by HHG-based time-resolved (Tr-) ARPES.

Tianshuang Sheng(盛天爽)
I joined Zhou group in 2023 after receiving my B.S. degree of Physics from Nanjing University. I am interested in angle resolved photo emission spectroscopy (ARPES) and exploring ultrafast light matter interaction of 2D materials by specific scientific instruments.

Xiao Tang(唐枭)
I joined Zhou Group when I was a junior student from Weiyang College, Tsinghua University. I am now interested in ultrafast dynamics in low-dimensional materials and their heterostuctures by using ARPES and time-resolved spectroscopy.

Jinxi Lu(路锦熙)
I joined Zhou Group in 2023 during my senior year at Nanjing University. I am interested in topological and low-dimensional materials, and exploring their properties using ARPES and time-resolved ARPES.


Changhua Bao (2022/07-2024/07)
     Currently postdoc at University of Regensburg.

          Junhai Ren (2018/04-2020/04)
          Chenguang Guo (2018/05-2020/05)
          Awabaikeli Rusol (2018/03-2021/03)
Ph.D. Students
1. Eryin Wang (2012/04-2017/07)
    "Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies of 2D material heterostructures".
    Currently scientist at Max Planck Institute. 2018 Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation Award for Ph.D. work "Angle-resolved Photoemission spectroscopy Studies of 2D Material Heterostructures".
2. Mingzhe Yan (2013/09-2018/07)
    "Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies of PtSe2 class transition metal dichalcogenides".
3. Guoliang Wan (2013/09-2018/07)
    "Laser-based Time- and Angle- Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of Topological Semimetals".
4. Wei Yao (2012/09-2019/07)
    "Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopic Studies of Two-Dimensional Materials and Heterostructures".
    Currently at Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen.
5. Ke Deng (2013/09-2019/07)
    "Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study on Type II Weyl semimetal MoTe2".
     Currently Assistant Researcher at Southern University of Science and Technology.
6. Kenan Zhang (2014/09-2019/12)
    "Novel topological state and band structure engineering in metal chalcogenide".
7. Xue Zhou (2016/09-2021/07)
    "Growth and Electronic Structure studies of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides".
8. Hongyun Zhang (2015/09-2022/01)
    "Manybody Interactions and Ultrafast Electronic Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Materials and Heterotructures".
    Currently Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar at Tsinghua University, postdoc at AIMR, Tohoku University, Japan.
9. Changhua Bao (2016/09-2022/06)
    "Electronic band structure engineering and ultrafast dynamics of Dirac semimetals".
    Currently Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar at Tsinghua University.
10. Haoxiong Zhang (2016/09-2022/06)
    "Tayloring the Dimensionality and Material Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides via Ionic Liquid Cation Intercalation".
11. Shaohua Zhou (2017/09-2023/06)
    "Floquet Band Engineering of Black Phosphorus Revealed by Ultrafast Photoemission Spectroscopy".
12. Yuan Wang (2017/09-2023/06)
    "Electronic Structures and Valley Manipulation in Transition-metal Dichalcogenides and Heterostructures".
13. Qian Li (2018/09-2024/06)
    "Electronic structures and field tunabilities in twisted graphene heterostructures".

Undergraduate students
1. Yue Meng